M2IA is a web-based server for the Microbiome and Metabolome data integration analysis. M2IA integrates a variety of statistical analysis methods, including univariate analysis, multivariate modeling, and functional network analysis. Users can upload data, customize
parameters, and submit a job by one click. An html-based summarized report will be generated automatically for overview, accompanied by supporting tables and high-resolution figures available for downloading.
A demo account [Account: demo123] has also been created for users who prefer being familiar with the basic features and main steps of M2IA before registering a personal account. Meanwhile, a pre-analyzed project with a complete data analysis report has been loaded for an
overview. Users can access the project through the quick tour button on the top right corner of the main page.
We aim to provide an effective and efficient computational tool for biologists to comprehensively analyze and interpret the important interactions between microbiome and metabolome in the big data era. For questions & problems, please contact us: bioinformatics_group@aliyun.com.